Find People in Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12
The results of this postcode outer search lists all people in the Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 area. Read More
Our records are sourced from the UK telephone directory and other data sources.
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- Aaron Barker, Newton Abbot
- Abbey Beale, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Abida Zamir, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Abigail Brown, Newton Abbot
- Abigail Carne, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Abigail Draper, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Abigail Vowden, Newton Abbot
- Adam Brackley, Newton Abbot
- Adam Cochrane, Newton Abbot
- Adam Cottam, Newton Abbot
- Adam Fullalove, Newton Abbot
- Adam Lukins, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Adam Park, Newton Abbot
- Adam Shaw, Newton Abbot
- Adam Smith, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Adam Wiles, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Adam Wiscombe, Newton Abbot
- Adrian Clark, Newton Abbot
- Adrian Gill, Newton Abbot
- Adrian Lake, Newton Abbot
- Adrian Langabeer, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Agnieszka Ploska, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Aiden Beckwith, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Akiko Brixey, Newton Abbot
- Al,Exander Clarke, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alan Baker, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Alan Kelly, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alan Rushworth, Newton Abbot
- Alan Woodhams, Newton Abbot
- Alastair Crouchen, Newton Abbot
- Albert Winfield, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Aleksandra Jedrzejczyk, Newton Abbot
- Alex Copp, Newton Abbot
- Alex Cutts, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Alex Dolan, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Alexander Ducker, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Alexander Marsden, Newton Abbot
- Alexander Perman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alexander Podilchuk, Newton Abbot
- Alexander Watson, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alexandra Crabtree-Theedom, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Alexandra Harwood, Newton Abbot
- Alexandra Thomas, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Alexandre Prandi, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Alice Blower, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alisha Young, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alison Doble, Daccombe, Newton Abbot
- Alison Etoe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Alison White, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Amanda Holmes, Newton Abbot
- Amanda Rowe, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Amanda Stidworthy, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Amber Hamilton, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Amelia Hughes, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Ami Hardy, Newton Abbot
- Amie Strycharczuk, Newton Abbot
- Amiliya Glover, Newton Abbot
- Amos Sharatt, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Amy Cantor, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Amy Crosley, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Amy McDowell, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Amy Miller, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Amy Passmore, Newton Abbot
- Amy Rogers, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Amy-Jane Peabody, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Ana-Maria Smith, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Andre Sinclair, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Andrei Voineag, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Carruthers, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Carter, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Cronin, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Dimond, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Drinkwater, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Elliott, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Gooding, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Harris, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Hayward, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Herridge, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Hobbs, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Lummis, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Norris, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Packer, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Peabody, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Scott-Hake, Newton Abbot
- Andrew Spencer, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Andy Corry, Newton Abbot
- Angel Page, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Angela Gibbs, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Angela Kingsbury, Newton Abbot
- Angela Shelton, Newton Abbot
- Angus Morris, Newton Abbot
- Anita Barrett, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Ann Phillips, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Ann Watts, Newton Abbot
- Anna Fazakerley, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Anna Pazdan, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Anna Perkins, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Anna Wadhams, Newton Abbot
- Anne Bovey, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Anne Hazel, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Anne-Marie Schooling, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Annelise Harris, Newton Abbot
- Annette Earl, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Annika De Friend, Newton Abbot
- Anthony Clark, Newton Abbot
- Anthony Evans, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Anthony Gist, Newton Abbot
- Anthony Goodwin, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Anthony King, Newton Abbot
- Antony Williams, Newton Abbot
- Anya Mills, Newton Abbot
- Anyeta Stone, Newton Abbot
- Aphra Harford, Bickington, Newton Abbot
- April Bignell, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Archie Salter, Newton Abbot
- Ariel Born, Newton Abbot
- Arthur Cobbledick, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Arthur Franklin, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Arthur Southwick, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Arthur Sproson, Newton Abbot
- Ashley Dove, Newton Abbot
- Ashley Howells, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Ashley Kelly, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Ashley North, Newton Abbot
- Ashley Rule, Newton Abbot
- Ashley Stickley, Newton Abbot
- Audrey Cobbledick, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Audrey Disbury, Newton Abbot
- Avril Knapman, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Bailey Maher, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Barbara Bampton, Newton Abbot
- Barbara Fitzpatrick, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Barbara Hersey, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Barbara Shaw, Newton Abbot
- Barbara Turner, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Beata Zwolinska, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Beau Sykes, Newton Abbot
- Ben Arnold, Newton Abbot
- Ben Denyer, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Ben Greenham, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Ben Hollinson, Coombe Fishacre, Newton Abbot
- Ben Murphy, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Ben Robson-Burrell, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Benedict Hioco, Newton Abbot
- Benjamin Langler, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Benjamin Pearce, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Benjamin Tilbury, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Bernadette O'Farrell, Newton Abbot
- Bernadette Quick, Newton Abbot
- Bernadette Warren, Newton Abbot
- Bernard Heath, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Bernard Martin, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Bernice Osborne, Newton Abbot
- Beryl Hawdon, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Beryl Rabbage, Newton Abbot
- Bethan Francis, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Bethany Tamblyn, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Betty Sutton, Newton Abbot
- Beverley Forrest-Jones, Newton Abbot
- Beverley Lucas, Newton Abbot
- Billy Chapman, Newton Abbot
- Billy Johansen-Berg, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Bjorn Lonngren, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Bob Davies, Newton Abbot
- Brad Good, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Brandon-Lee Gratton, Newton Abbot
- Brenda Johnson, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Brendon Prince, Newton Abbot
- Brett Craik, Newton Abbot
- Brian Baker, Newton Abbot
- Brian Horstead, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Brian Watts, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Brioney Philpott, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Bronte Thomas, Newton Abbot
- Brook Price, Newton Abbot
- Brooke Taylor-Smith, Newton Abbot
- Bruce Berry, Newton Abbot
- Bryan Hiscock, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Bryan Mowat, Newton Abbot
- Cai Carter, Newton Abbot
- Caitlin Nagle, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Caitlyn Bolt, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Callum Hawkins, Newton Abbot
- Cameron Lamont, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Cameron Thorne, Newton Abbot
- Carey Nixon-James, Newton Abbot
- Carole Blacklocks, Newton Abbot
- Carole Miller, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Carole Rogers, Newton Abbot
- Carole Slack, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Caroline Penfold, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Carolyn Hargreaves, Newton Abbot
- Carolyn Hill, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Carrie Davey, Newton Abbot
- Caspar Day, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Cassandra Lucero, Newton Abbot
- Cassie Brennan, Newton Abbot
- Cath Cane, Newton Abbot
- Catherine Jarvis, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Catherine Jenkins, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Catherine Shahmehr, Newton Abbot
- Catherine Wilson, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Cathy Stone, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Chanel Escott, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Charles Kingdon, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Charles Mitchell, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Charles Parr, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Charles Spain, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Charles Wotton, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Ball, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Carter, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Clarvis, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Grice, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Higgins, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Knight, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Myrans, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Phillips, Haccombe, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Read, Dainton, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Vaughan Burleigh, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Watlins, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Waye, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Charlotte Worthington, Newton Abbot
- Charmaine Punter, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Chelsea Bradbury, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Cheryl Weekes, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Bowler, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Duller, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Eversfield, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Mabey, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Nadin, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Parker-Douglas, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Chloe Stacey-Macgregor, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Chris England, Newton Abbot
- Chris Leeds, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Christian Bernert, Newton Abbot
- Christian Fleet, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Christiane Kunst, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Christie Rhys-Brown, Newton Abbot
- Christina Dean, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Christine Fisher, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Allen, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Barrett, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Cayless, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Cook, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Darke, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Domke, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Finch, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Hatcher, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Hewitt, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Hicks, Stover, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Little, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Miller, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Mundy, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Press, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Prestt, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Rendle, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Stephens, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Christopher Wade, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Claire Corry, Newton Abbot
- Claire Hargreaves, Newton Abbot
- Claire Hill, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Claire Mortimer, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Claire Newman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Claire Perman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Claire Southwood, Newton Abbot
- Claire Talbot, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Clare Ansley, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Clare Boitoult, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Clare Fordham, Newton Abbot
- Clare Spark, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Clare Steer, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Clarissa Connor, Newton Abbot
- Clifford Fox, Newton Abbot
- Colin Parnell, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Colin Smith, Newton Abbot
- Connie Taylor, Newton Abbot
- Connor Edwards, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Connor Hill, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Cora Davey, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Craig Harry, Newton Abbot
- Craig Holdstock, Newton Abbot
- Craig Hudson, Newton Abbot
- Crystal-Lee Escott, Newton Abbot
- Curt McCarthy, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Daisy Gray, Newton Abbot
- Damien Brown, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Blowes, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Bowden, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Breen, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Brimelow, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Griffiths, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Daniel McNicholl, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Millman, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Muirden, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Schofield, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Trott, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Wood, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Daniel Worthington, Newton Abbot
- Danielle Parsons, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Danielle Parsons-Dearing, Newton Abbot
- Danuta Slomka, Stover, Newton Abbot
- Darren Farley, Newton Abbot
- Darren Gorewal, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Darren Graydon, Newton Abbot
- Darren Roberts, Newton Abbot
- Darren Tuckett, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Darren Williams, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Dave Mardle, Newton Abbot
- David Brown, Newton Abbot
- David Hawdon, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- David Henson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- David Hodges, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- David Jane, Newton Abbot
- David Joll, Newton Abbot
- David Lynch, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- David Scott, Newton Abbot
- David Sparks, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- David Vacas, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- David Vooght, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- David Walker, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- David Walsh, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Dawn Burton, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Dawn Flitcroft, Newton Abbot
- Dean Hammett, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Dean Harley, Newton Abbot
- Dean Wilkie, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Deborah Bourne, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Deborah Cornfield, Newton Abbot
- Deborah Hawley, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Deborah Meseg, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Deborah Moore, Newton Abbot
- Dee Harding, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Denis Boitoult, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Denis Mills, Newton Abbot
- Denise Fielder, Newton Abbot
- Denise Hitt, Newton Abbot
- Denise Vanstone, Newton Abbot
- Dennis Glen, Netherton, Newton Abbot
- Dereck Wallis, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Derek Howard, Newton Abbot
- Dominic Packer, Newton Abbot
- Donald Collie, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Donald Cutler, Newton Abbot
- Donald Heath, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Donna Allington, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Donna Peel, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Donna Perry-Hall, Newton Abbot
- Donna Pollock, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Donna Rees, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Dorothy Collings, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Douglas Silkstone, Newton Abbot
- Duncan Fowler, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Dylan Cousins, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Dylan Kelly, Newton Abbot
- Ebony Mason, Newton Abbot
- Edward Adams, Newton Abbot
- Edward Gray, Newton Abbot
- Edward Gryniewioz, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Edward Obrien, Newton Abbot
- Edward Stericker, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Edward Watts, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Edward Woolcott, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Edwin Braund, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Eileen Kenny, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Eileen Underhill, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Elaine Birmingham, Newton Abbot
- Elaine Dean, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Elaine Smith, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Elanor Mayor, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Eleanor Ager, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Eleanor Forrest, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Eleanor Hendy, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Eleanor Hughes, Newton Abbot
- Elicia Cann, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Elisha Corness, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth Blakesley, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth Dyas, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth Haines, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth Horsey, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth MacKie, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth Whalley, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Elizabeth Whitchurch, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Elke Diggle, Newton Abbot
- Elliott Van Der Veer, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Ellis Wilson, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Emily Burt, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Emily Davies, Newton Abbot
- Emily Elsby, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Emily Joseph, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Emily McIntyre, Newton Abbot
- Emily Powe, Newton Abbot
- Emily Priskorn, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Emily Putnam, Newton Abbot
- Emily Whittet, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Emma Andrews, Newton Abbot
- Emma Fancett, Newton Abbot
- Emma Gilbert-Patt, Newton Abbot
- Emma Hartley, Newton Abbot
- Emma North, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Emma Owens, Newton Abbot
- Emma Wood, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Emmaline Chalk, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Eric Dommett, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Erin Crowhurst, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Eryk Konczak, Stover, Newton Abbot
- Es'haak Craig, Newton Abbot
- Esme Bradford, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Esther Wiseman, Newton Abbot
- Ethan Heppell, Newton Abbot
- Ethan Roberts, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Evaldas Valavicius, Newton Abbot
- Eve Aspland, Torbryan, Newton Abbot
- Eve Eyres, Newton Abbot
- Eve Wills, Newton Abbot
- Eve-Marie Brennan, Newton Abbot
- Evelyn Hogan, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Ewelina Joachimiak, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Fabian Kolarski, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Felicity Egan, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Felicity Lamont Tuckett, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Finley Kerswell, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Fiona Davies, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Fiona Kyte, Newton Abbot
- Fiona Richardson, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Florence Allday, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Florence Hutchins, Newton Abbot
- Florence John, Newton Abbot
- Francesca Smillie, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Frank McLoughlin, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Frazer Thomas, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Freddy Keenan, Newton Abbot
- Frederick Slatter, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Freya Ewing, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Freya Wiseman, Newton Abbot
- Gabrielle Roxon-Hammond, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gail Scotte-Jones, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Gary Bodenham, Regency Court Stover, Newton Abbot
- Gary Cobbledick, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Gary Crabb, Newton Abbot
- Gary Slack, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Gary Wills, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gavin Beed, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gavin Hamm, Newton Abbot
- Gavin Stevens, Newton Abbot
- Gaynor Rowe, Newton Abbot
- Gemma Bingham, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gemma Kelly, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Gemma Loyola, Newton Abbot
- Gemma Purchase, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Gemma Richmond, Newton Abbot
- Gemma Wilkes, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Geoffrey Whelby, Dainton, Newton Abbot
- George Tapley, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Georgia Smith, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Georgie Donald, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Georgina Bridges, Newton Abbot
- Georgina Coates, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Georgina Jackson, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Georgina Stevens, Newton Abbot
- Georgina Tyson, Newton Abbot
- Geraldine Fitzsimons, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Geraldine Watkins, Newton Abbot
- Giles Evans, Newton Abbot
- Giles Howe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gillian Portman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gillian Quantrell, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gillian Sinclair, Newton Abbot
- Gillian Sinden, Newton Abbot
- Glen Buckley, Newton Abbot
- Glen Coleman, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Glen Thomas, Newton Abbot
- Grace Loveridge, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Grace Plant, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Gracie Terry, Newton Abbot
- Graham Hayter, Newton Abbot
- Graham Rooke, Newton Abbot
- Graham Vooght, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Graham Wilson, Newton Abbot
- Gregory Priscott, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Gwendoline Nalder, Newton Abbot
- Halima Morris, Newton Abbot
- Hameed Sasi, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Hanna Rice, Newton Abbot
- Hannah D'lavari, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Dlavari, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Dunn, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Kam-Radcliffe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Morley, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Singleton, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Squires, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Hannah Torocisk, Newton Abbot
- Harold Lannon, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Harrison Moss, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Harry Baker, Newton Abbot
- Harry Hingston, Newton Abbot
- Harry Huish, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Harry Lance, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Harry Nicholas, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Harry Wakeley, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Harvey Jefford, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Hayden Andrews, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Haydn Bennett, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Hayley Dixon, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Hayley Kimsey, Newton Abbot
- Hayley Sandford, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Heather Evans, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Heather Fenson, Newton Abbot
- Heather Woods, Newton Abbot
- Helen Benn, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Helen Boothby, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Helen Clark, Newton Abbot
- Helen Collie, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Helen Cranston, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Helen Gilbert, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Helen Horsler, Newton Abbot
- Helen McClellan, Newton Abbot
- Helen Notman, Stover, Newton Abbot
- Helen Oldrieve, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Helen Pleece, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Helen Stentiford, Newton Abbot
- Henry Porter, Whilborough, Newton Abbot
- Hilda Rowe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Hollie Chapman, Newton Abbot
- Hollie Sampson, Newton Abbot
- Hollie Swann, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Holly Clark, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Holly Stephenson, Newton Abbot
- Holly Vanstone, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Howard Nalder, Newton Abbot
- Ian Barnard, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Ian Blackboro, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Ian Coombes, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Ian Duffin, Newton Abbot
- Ian Evans, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Ian Harvey, Newton Abbot
- Ian Osborne, Newton Abbot
- Ian Saward, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Ilze Blackbord, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Imogen Anderson, Newton Abbot
- Imogen Reeve, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Ingrid Andrews, Newton Abbot
- Ingrid Davie, Newton Abbot
- Ingrid Kneeshaw, Newton Abbot
- Irene Orchard, Newton Abbot
- Iris Morgan, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Isabella Prout, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Isabella Webber, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Iverson De Guzman, Newton Abbot
- Izzy Heath, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Jack Hooper, Newton Abbot
- Jack Luxon-Barnes, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Jack Palmer, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jack Pressman, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jack Roberts, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Jack Skedgell, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Jack Sudworth, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jack Woodward, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Jackie Hibberd, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jacob Harrower, Newton Abbot
- Jacob Pennicott, Newton Abbot
- Jacqueline Griffin, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Jacqueline Osborne, Newton Abbot
- Jacqueline Whear, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Jake Hollins, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jake Slater, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- James Dearden, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- James Edwards, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- James Henderson, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- James Hepworth, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- James Horrocks, Newton Abbot
- James Kam-Radcliffe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- James Locke, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- James McGladdery, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- James Nixon-James, Newton Abbot
- James Perkins, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- James Stainforth, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- James Webber, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jamie Allen, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jamie Bowdidge, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Jamie Brooks, Newton Abbot
- Jamie Dewdney, Newton Abbot
- Jamie Poole, Newton Abbot
- Jamie Rogers, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Jamieson Westney, Newton Abbot
- Jane Comyns, Newton Abbot
- Jane Fincham, Newton Abbot
- Jane Harris, Newton Abbot
- Janelle Edwards-Spear, Newton Abbot
- Janelle Richards, Newton Abbot
- Janet Carter, Newton Abbot
- Janet Olliver, Newton Abbot
- Jasmine Hamlyn-White, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Jasmine Osmond, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jasmine Stoneman, Newton Abbot
- Jasmine Williams, Newton Abbot
- Jason Atkinson, Newton Abbot
- Jason Brown, Newton Abbot
- Jason Fosdike, Newton Abbot
- Jason Lake, Newton Abbot
- Jason Lucas, Newton Abbot
- Jason Pickett, Newton Abbot
- Jason Smith, Newton Abbot
- Jay McCann, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jaye Williams, Newton Abbot
- Jayne Birbeck, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jayne Pavey, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Jeff Edworthy, Newton Abbot
- Jeff Leung, Newton Abbot
- Jeffrey D'Aguiar, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Jemma Wilkinson, Newton Abbot
- Jenine de Leie, Newton Abbot
- Jenna Heasman, Newton Abbot
- Jenna Hussain, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer Aughton, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer Davies, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer De Mel, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer Maule, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer Page, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer Rudd, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Jennifer Vaughan, Newton Abbot
- Jenny Genge, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Jenny Harry, Newton Abbot
- Jeremy Donaldson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jeremy Stockbridge, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Jeremy Vallance, Newton Abbot
- Jess Archard, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Jess Devonshire, Newton Abbot
- Jessica Allen, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Jessica Clarke, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jessica Tansley, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Jessica Wickham, Newton Abbot
- Jessica Woodroff, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Jill Marks, Newton Abbot
- Jim Barker, South Knighton, Newton Abbot
- Jindrich Becvar, Newton Abbot
- Joan Pennington, Newton Abbot
- Joanna James, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Joanna Westney, Newton Abbot
- Joanne Hearn, Newton Abbot
- Joanne Steer, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Joe Andrew, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Joe Maddison, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Joe Melmore, Newton Abbot
- Johanna Gerson, Newton Abbot
- John Bowie, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- John Chilcott, Newton Abbot
- John Dunningham, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- John Farley, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- John Grant, Newton Abbot
- John Horn, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- John Johnson, Newton Abbot
- John Osmond, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- John Peterson, Newton Abbot
- John Sproule, Two Mile Oak, Newton Abbot
- John Turner, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- John Varah, Newton Abbot
- Jolene Sinclair, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jonathan Cann, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jonathan Orchard, Newton Abbot
- Jonathan Phillips, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Jonathan Vine, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jonathan Wright, Newton Abbot
- Jonathon Bray, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Jordan Bolt, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jordan Endacott, Newton Abbot
- Jordan Finnegan, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jordan Kerr, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Jordanna Quinnell, Newton Abbot
- Josef Sysel, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Boyle, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Cainey, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Emmett, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Hawkins, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Mitchinson, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Nicholas, Newton Abbot
- Joseph Rose, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Josephine Facer, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Josh Fox, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Joshua Bowles, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Joshua Moir, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Joshua Selway, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Joshua Shackleton, Newton Abbot
- Joshua Simmonds, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Juan Vacas, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Judith Brown, Newton Abbot
- Julia Brown, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Julia Bruce-Jones, Newton Abbot
- Julian Bowling, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Julie Dadson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Julie Green, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Julie Humphrey, Newton Abbot
- Julie Leech, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Julie Parker, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Julie Randall, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Julie-Ann Lobb, Newton Abbot
- Juliet Williams, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Kadiela Gambles, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Kara Hawkins, Newton Abbot
- Karen Ainsworth, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Karen Heppell, Newton Abbot
- Karen Randell, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Karin Lee, Newton Abbot
- Karis Slater, Newton Abbot
- Karl Besley, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Karl Jennings, Newton Abbot
- Kassandra Godfrey, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Katarzyna Ptach, Newton Abbot
- Kate Barlow, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Kate Martin, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Kate Mills, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Katharine Stericker, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Katherine Dyer, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Katherine Harris, Coombe Fishacre, Newton Abbot
- Katherine Mowatt, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Katherine Rickard, Newton Abbot
- Katherine Robinson, Newton Abbot
- Katherine Wildgoose, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Kathleen Bennett, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Kathleen Chakouri, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Kathleen-Emma Escott, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Kathryn Gallagher, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Katie Abbott, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Katie Bailey, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Katie Barber, Dainton, Newton Abbot
- Katie Gale, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Katie Gibson, Newton Abbot
- Katie Lloyd, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Kayleigh Harris, Newton Abbot
- Ke Wei, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Keeley Baxter, Newton Abbot
- Keith Aldworth, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Keith Bennett, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Keith Morgan, Newton Abbot
- Keith Pomeroy, Newton Abbot
- Kelly Boyle, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Kelly Buckland, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Kelly Herd, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Kelly Sliney, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Kelly-Marie Osborne, Newton Abbot
- Kenneth Cronshaw, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Kenneth Guppy, Newton Abbot
- Kerra Fox, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Kerri Reid, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Kerrie Rundle, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Kerry Widdicombe, Newton Abbot
- Keryn Holter, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Beck, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Crabtree, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Ford, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Mills, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Moir, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Spear, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Steele, Newton Abbot
- Kevin Tompkins, Newton Abbot
- Kieran Fewings, Newton Abbot
- Kieran Lofthouse, Newton Abbot
- Kieron Prytherch-Yeoman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Kirk Mealand, Newton Abbot
- Kirsty Chrysanthou, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Kristofer Mahon, Newton Abbot
- Krzysztof Tchorek, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Kyle Staines, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Kylie-Louise Harratt, Newton Abbot
- Laila Ainsone, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lani Oliver, Newton Abbot
- Laura Arnold, Newton Abbot
- Laura Bunday, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Laura Cose, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Laura Costello, Newton Abbot
- Laura Hingston, Newton Abbot
- Laura Sercombe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Laura Sutton-Sharpe, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Laura Wood, Newton Abbot
- Laurel Kelly, Newton Abbot
- Lauren Hunton, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Lauren King, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lauren Virdi, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Laverne Wales, Newton Abbot
- Lawrence Burton, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Lawrence Curtis, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Lawrence White, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Leah Dennis, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Leah Foss, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Leanne Sweeney, Newton Abbot
- Lee Arnold, Newton Abbot
- Lee Breslan, Newton Abbot
- Lee Gable, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lee Harbron, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lee Wilson, Newton Abbot
- Leila Mohammed Merritt, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Leilah Henson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Lemmer Jooste, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Leni Gibson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Leon Berry, Newton Abbot
- Leon Duffield, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Leon Saxton, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lesley Cousins, Newton Abbot
- Lesley Dixon, South Knighton, Newton Abbot
- Lesley Hayter, Newton Abbot
- Lewes Beare, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lewis Dennis, Newton Abbot
- Lewis Geach, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Lewis Lavery, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lewis Plackett, Newton Abbot
- Lewis Rhodes, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lewis Spiller, Newton Abbot
- Liam Chapman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Liam Donnison, Newton Abbot
- Liam Doran, Newton Abbot
- Liam McEwan, Newton Abbot
- Liam Morgan, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Liam Moyle, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Libby Collins, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Liga Liasovska, Newton Abbot
- Ligita Plitane, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Lilia Cox, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Lily Geary, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lily Higgins, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Linards Ainsons, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Linda Guillaume, Newton Abbot
- Linda Willcox, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Lisa Barnett, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Lisa Kitching, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Lisa Teague, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Lisa Theobald, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Lisa Tonks, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Lizzie Evans, Newton Abbot
- Lori Howard, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lorren Reeves, Newton Abbot
- Louie Kessel, Newton Abbot
- Louis Knoop, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Louise Bennett, Newton Abbot
- Louise Christie, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Louise Dunn, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Louise Hedger, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Louise Locke, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Louise Skinner, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Louise Street, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Louise Thompson, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Luca Dallo, Newton Abbot
- Lucy Chivers, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Lucy Kilner, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lucy Plummer, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lucy Ware, Newton Abbot
- Luke Harris, Newton Abbot
- Luke Moore, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Luke Sansom, Dainton, Newton Abbot
- Luke Shaw, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Luke Shepheard, Newton Abbot
- Luke Yates, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Lyn Brown, Newton Abbot
- Lyn Keogh, Newton Abbot
- Lynda Richards, Newton Abbot
- Lyndsey Kerswell, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Lynn Tunnicliffe, Bickington, Newton Abbot
- Lynn Watts, Newton Abbot
- Lynne Date, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Lynsey Reid, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Mackenna Witchard, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Madeleine Cooper, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Madeleine Reeve, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Madeleine Treweek, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Maia Kelly, Newton Abbot
- Mair George, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Malcolm Truscott, Newton Abbot
- Mandy Jooste, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Mandy Pugh, Newton Abbot
- Margaret Brown, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Margaret Lambourn, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Margaret Weekes, Newton Abbot
- Maria Golisz, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Maria Sullivan, Newton Abbot
- Marie Ebbutt, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Marie Furber, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Marine Andrieux, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Marion McDonald, Newton Abbot
- Marjorie Connett, Newton Abbot
- Marjorie Whitbread, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Mark Barber, Dainton, Newton Abbot
- Mark Bevan, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Mark Brooks, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Mark Cooper, Newton Abbot
- Mark Gale, Newton Abbot
- Mark Hartnell, Sandygate, Newton Abbot
- Mark Jepson, Newton Abbot
- Mark Rice, Newton Abbot
- Mark Riseley, Newton Abbot
- Mark Rooke, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Mark Sherry, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Mark Warnett, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Mark Zeederberg, Newton Abbot
- Martin Bird, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Martin Lake, Newton Abbot
- Martin Quant, Newton Abbot
- Martin Street, Newton Abbot
- Martina Lawrence, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Martyn Harwood, Newton Abbot
- Mary Carrington, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Mary Cleave, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Mary Dodson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Mary Finnigan, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Mary Whyte, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Mary Williamson, Newton Abbot
- Mason McCarthy Payne, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Matt Millar, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Besley, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Bright, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Brinton, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Brown, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Bush, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Cannock, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Carson, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Collis, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Corby, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Costello, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Crocker, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Croker, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Curson, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Edmondson, Netherton, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Frankpitt, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Furneaux, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Stocker, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Williams, Newton Abbot
- Matthew Wintle, Whilborough, Newton Abbot
- Maureen Helps, Newton Abbot
- Max Parr, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Megan Cauty, Newton Abbot
- Megan Elliott, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Megan Parry, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Mei Wong, Newton Abbot
- Melanie Farmer, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Melanie Lumgair, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Melanie Oliver, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Melvyn Wrintmore, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Merryn McGregor, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Mersades Stewart-Stone, Newton Abbot
- Mia Pope, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Micah Weekes, Newton Abbot
- Michael Allen, Newton Abbot
- Michael Beer, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michael Besley, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Michael Brooks, Newton Abbot
- Michael Ede, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michael Eveleigh, Bickington, Newton Abbot
- Michael Gillibrand, Newton Abbot
- Michael Goddard, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michael Green, Newton Abbot
- Michael Hampson, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Michael Harris, Newton Abbot
- Michael Hollands, Newton Abbot
- Michael O'Sullivan, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Michael Randall, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michael Ridings, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Michael Tucker, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michael Wilkinson, Teignharvey, Newton Abbot
- Michelle Bailey, Whilborough, Newton Abbot
- Michelle England, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michelle Grieve, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Michelle Lake, Newton Abbot
- Michelle Le Monnier, Newton Abbot
- Michelle Varndell, Newton Abbot
- Millie Worton, Newton Abbot
- Milo Johansen-Berg, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Mirela Bercu, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Moira Jade, Newton Abbot
- Mollie Grant, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Monica Widdicombe, Newton Abbot
- Morgan Wood, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Morwenna Neale, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Muhammad Rehman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Myra Uren, Newton Abbot
- Nadine Mohr, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Nancy Bowman, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Naomi Hassall, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Naomi Jefferies, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Naomi Kyte, Newton Abbot
- Naomi Waygood, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Natalie Burnett, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Natalie Pascoe, Newton Abbot
- Natasha Gould, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Natasha Westlake, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Nathan Barling, Newton Abbot
- Nathan Boustead, Newton Abbot
- Nathan Willis, Newton Abbot
- Nathan Yates, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Nathaniel Morris, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Nathaniel Turgeman, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Neil Burton, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Neil Christie, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Neil Ellmore, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Neil Groft, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Neil Winsor, Newton Abbot
- Nichola Weston, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Beer, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Carley, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Gratton, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Moore, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Rushton, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Snowdon, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Nicholas Talbot, Newton Abbot
- Nick Bray, Newton Abbot
- Nick Burrows, Newton Abbot
- Nick Jenkins, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Nicola Amphlett, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Nicola Evans, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Nieve Landau, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Nigel Evans, Newton Abbot
- Nigel Jeffers, Newton Abbot
- Nigel Sabine, Newton Abbot
- Nigel Stephens, Newton Abbot
- Nigel Stewart-Stone, Newton Abbot
- Nikita Sutton, Newton Abbot
- Nikolai Anstis, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Nilo Mason, Newton Abbot
- Nivana Cluer, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Olive Murphy, Newton Abbot
- Oliver Clark, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Oliver Dixon, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Oliver Horrocks, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Oliver Mockford, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Oliver Roberts, Newton Abbot
- Oliver Schofield, Whilborough, Newton Abbot
- Olivia Harvey, Bickington, Newton Abbot
- Olivia Simmonds, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Ollie Dale, Newton Abbot
- Ollie King, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Orla Sullivan, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Owen Penrice, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Owen Whitefoot, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Pamela Isaac, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Pat Lawson, Bickington, Newton Abbot
- Pat Mundell, Newton Abbot
- Patricia Barnes, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Patricia Tucker, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Patricia Winfield, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Patrick McNicholl, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Patrick Oaff, Newton Abbot
- Patrick Roberts, Newton Abbot
- Paul Cook, Newton Abbot
- Paul Draper-Rush, Newton Abbot
- Paul Foot, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Paul Helley, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Paul Holden, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Paul Huxham, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Paul Kelly, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Paul Kingdon, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Paul Parkhouse, Newton Abbot
- Paul Rose, Newton Abbot
- Paul Thewlis, Newton Abbot
- Paul Thomas, Newton Abbot
- Paul Walker, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Pauline Bodenham, Regency Court Stover, Newton Abbot
- Penelope Harries, Newton Abbot
- Peter Dicken, Newton Abbot
- Peter Gregson, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Peter Hammond, Newton Abbot
- Peter Hann, Newton Abbot
- Peter O'Neill, Newton Abbot
- Peter Parker-Douglas, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Peter Williams, Netherton, Newton Abbot
- Philip Bolton, Newton Abbot
- Philip Eldridge, Newton Abbot
- Philip Reed, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Philip Spicer, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Philip Tucker, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Phillip Fone, Newton Abbot
- Phillip Jones, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Phoebe Johnson, Newton Abbot
- Pippa Ager, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Princess Antonino, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Chant, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Halpin, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Hamper, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Hill, Daccombe, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Mort, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Sermanni, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Rachel Stewart, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Raymond Tancock, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Brown, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Cotterill, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Hinchliffe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Holwell, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Knox, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Littlefair, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Marks, Newton Abbot
- Rebecca Turner, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Regina Smolski, Newton Abbot
- Reginald Davies, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Renae Crawshaw, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rhys Cowan-Dickie, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rhys Niven, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rhys Weston, Newton Abbot
- Richard Blundell, Newton Abbot
- Richard Earle, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Richard Elliott, Newton Abbot
- Richard Gardner, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Richard Greenaway, Newton Abbot
- Richard Herd, Newton Abbot
- Richard Kingdon, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Richard Lane, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Richard Mather, Newton Abbot
- Richard McAuley, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Richard Notman, Stover, Newton Abbot
- Richard Parson, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Richard Thynne, Newton Abbot
- Richard Tribe, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Richard Warwick, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Rico Hall, Newton Abbot
- Rita Ineson, Newton Abbot
- Rob Vallance, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Robert Andrews, Newton Abbot
- Robert Boyd, Newton Abbot
- Robert Coombe, Newton Abbot
- Robert Cose, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Robert Doyle, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Robert Duddle, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Robert Foss, Bickington, Newton Abbot
- Robert Irving, Netherton, Newton Abbot
- Robert Johnson, Bradley Valley, Newton Abbot
- Robert Kelly, Newton Abbot
- Robert Lloyd, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Robert Mann, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Robert Pougiouros, Newton Abbot
- Robert Purton, Newton Abbot
- Robert Rule, Newton Abbot
- Robert Sparey, Newton Abbot
- Robert Tremlett, Newton Abbot
- Robert Treweek, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Robert Whitear, Newton Abbot
- Robert Williams, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Roberta Ruddall, Newton Abbot
- Roberto Campolucci-Bordi, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Roberts Ainsons, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Robyn Wright, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Roger Carpenter, Newton Abbot
- Roger Woodward, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Ronald Gibbs, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Ronan Harrington, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Ronnie Cann, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Rosemary Attwood, Newton Abbot
- Rosemary Merrell, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Roxanne Stevenson, Newton Abbot
- Roy Coppin, Newton Abbot
- Royston Dommett-Curtis, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Ruben Locke, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Rupert Stickland, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Russell Hughes, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Russell Kimsey, Newton Abbot
- Ruth Barratt, Newton Abbot
- Ruth Breakwell, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Ruth Parffrey, Dainton, Newton Abbot
- Ryan Boitoult, Newton Abbot
- Ryan Foster, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Ryan Hannaford, Newton Abbot
- Ryan Hardman, Newton Abbot
- Ryan Sharples, Newton Abbot
- Ryan Stevenson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Sadie Jones, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Sally Blackford, Newton Abbot
- Sally Gerard, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Sam Tancock, Newton Abbot
- Sam Wills, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Caunce, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Davis, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Murphy, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Murphy-Shore, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Orchard, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Waldon, Newton Abbot
- Samantha Yeo, Newton Abbot
- Sammy-Lee Chalk, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Samuel Gunatilleke, Newton Abbot
- Samuel Haywood, Newton Abbot
- Samuel Jones, Newton Abbot
- Samuel O'Neill, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Sandra Mutton, Newton Abbot
- Sandra Ongley, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Sandra Owen, Newton Abbot
- Sara Roche, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Baker, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Black, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Dolan, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Gibson, Bradley Valley, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Jenks, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Sarah May, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Parton, Netherton, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Ridings, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Waterhouse, Newton Abbot
- Sarah Woodward, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Scott Franks, Newton Abbot
- Scott Morrish, Newton Abbot
- Sean French, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Sebastien Giroux, Ingsdon, Newton Abbot
- Senuri Bandara, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Shaan French, Newton Abbot
- Shannon Lister, Newton Abbot
- Sharon Chatfield, Newton Abbot
- Sharon Knight, Newton Abbot
- Shaun Burmby, Newton Abbot
- Shaun Drake, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Shaun Ward, Newton Abbot
- Shay Bower, Newton Abbot
- Shayne Bray, Haccombe, Newton Abbot
- Sheena Bryant, Newton Abbot
- Sheldon Brazendale, Newton Abbot
- Shelly Hobbis, Newton Abbot
- Sherelle Perring, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Shiann Priestley, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Shirley Knoop, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Shirley Richards, Newton Abbot
- Shirley Stapleton, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Shirley Stoneman, Newton Abbot
- Shu Sharland, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Shume Clark, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Sian Creber, Newton Abbot
- Sidney Paull, Newton Abbot
- Simon Beata, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Simon Bowden, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Simon Ede, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Simon Fryer, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Simon Hunter, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Simon Perkins, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Simon Priestley, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Simon Raymont, Newton Abbot
- Simon Sadler, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Simon Wood, Newton Abbot
- Siobhan Enwright, Newton Abbot
- Siriporn Esara, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Bourn, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Forward, Combeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Gartley, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Hall, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Humphreys, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Irons, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Kelly, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Lake, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Little, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Pearson, Newton Abbot
- Sophie Winfield, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Sreekanth Sankuratri, Newton Abbot
- Stanley Wallis, Newton Abbot
- Stefan Gadie, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Stephanie Bundy, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Stephanie Coombes, Newton Abbot
- Stephanie Rees, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Stephanie Voaden, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Ballard, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Dadson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Davies, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Doyle, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Gowers, Haccombe, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Reynolds, Stover, Newton Abbot
- Stephen Steadman, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Steve Bonney, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Steve Callahan, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Steven Bailey, Newton Abbot
- Steven Edmonds, Newton Abbot
- Steven Parker, Newton Abbot
- Steven Smith, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Steven Wilde, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Branson, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Broughton, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Clarke, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Ellis, Bradley Valley, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Godsland, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Lawrence, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Stuart Williams, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Sue Mortimore, Newton Abbot
- Susan Calvert, Newton Abbot
- Susan Parker, Newton Abbot
- Susan Smith, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Suzanna Small, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Suzanne Clarke, Newton Abbot
- Suzanne Crean, Newton Abbot
- Sylvia Davies, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Sylvia Sankey, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Tamsin Hill, Newton Abbot
- Tamsin Pollentine, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Tanya Bailey, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Tanya Holdstock, Newton Abbot
- Tara Evans, Newton Abbot
- Tasha O'Neill, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Terans Thomas, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Terence Cousins, Newton Abbot
- Terence Gibbings, Newton Abbot
- Terence Newell, Newton Abbot
- Terence Wilson, Newton Abbot
- Teresa Andrews, Newton Abbot
- Terry Campbell, Newton Abbot
- Terry Martin, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Terry. Pughe, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Therese Rowe, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Barber, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Black, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Bourn, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Combstock, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Cull, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Haynes, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Heath, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Kramer, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Thomas McIvor, Newton Abbot
- Thomas O'Kane, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Obrien, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Sawyer, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Simmons, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Small, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Van Goor Den Oosterlingh, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Thomas Willis, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Tim Dobson, Newton Abbot
- Tim Lewis, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Tim Rtyutyu, Newton Abbot
- Timothy Pockett, Newton Abbot
- Tobias Powell, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot
- Toby Devine, Newton Abbot
- Toby Parkhill, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Toby Parsons, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Toby Ray, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Toeni Young, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Tom Davis, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Tom Dollar, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Tom Stuart, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- Tom Weymouth, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Tony Groves, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Tony Parrett, Newton Abbot
- Tracey Osborne, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Tracy Beck, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Tracy Noyce, Newton Abbot
- Trevor Earls, Newton Abbot
- Trevor Heath, Newton Abbot
- Trevor Ruddall, Newton Abbot
- Trisha Morley, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Tyler Fewings, Newton Abbot
- Valerie Jeffery, Newton Abbot
- Vanya McGill, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Verity Green, Newton Abbot
- Verity Stroud, Denbury, Newton Abbot
- Veronika Blazsek, Newton Abbot
- Vicki Bird, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Vicki Faulkner, Newton Abbot
- Victoria Bradford, Newton Abbot
- Victoria Graham, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Victoria Wilkinson, Newton Abbot
- Vida Dobbs, Liverton, Newton Abbot
- Vijayalakshmi Pandurangan, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Virginia Hartley, Newton Abbot
- Vivian Williamson, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Vlad Valeanu, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Warren Coyle-Moore, Newton Abbot
- We Greenwood, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Wendy Heavens, Newton Abbot
- Wendy Light, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- Wendy Winter, Coffinswell, Newton Abbot
- Whilma Boyce, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- Wilhelmina Jacobs, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- William Anning, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- William Atkinson, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- William Baxter, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- William Carver, Newton Abbot
- William Cleasby, Newton Abbot
- William Emery, Abbotskerswell, Newton Abbot
- William Frost, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- William Hughes, Ogwell, Newton Abbot
- William Kennedy, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot
- William Patterson, Newton Abbot
- William Price, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot
- William Underhill, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- William Wellington, Heathfield, Newton Abbot
- Wolf Engelmann, Newton Abbot
- Xhovana Semaj, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot
- Zachary Payne, Teigngrace, Newton Abbot
- Zachary Sharp, Newton Abbot
- Zachery Cornish, Kingskerswell, Newton Abbot
- Zena Williams, Newton Abbot
- Zoe Blackford, Newton Abbot
- Zoe Kavanagh, Newton Abbot
- Zofia Skrzypczak, Newton Abbot
- Zsofia Pilkington, Newton Abbot
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