Find People in Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29
The results of this postcode outer search lists all people in the Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 area. Read More
Our records are sourced from the UK telephone directory and other data sources.
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- Aaron Jones, Combe, Witney
- Abbie Taylor, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Adam Griffiths, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Adrian Colbrook, Ducklington, Witney
- Adrian Marks, Combe, Witney
- Alan Clarke, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Alan Pimm, Ducklington, Witney
- Alan Wilson, South Leigh, Witney
- Aleksandra Beba, Northmoor, Witney
- Alex Typer, Minster Lovell, Witney
- Alexander Smith, Stonesfield, Witney
- Alice Rose, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Alison Maddock, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Alison Taphouse, Stonesfield, Witney
- Alistair Williams, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Amanda Cordery, Combe, Witney
- Amanda Exley, Sutton, Witney
- Amy Bishop, Ducklington, Witney
- Andrew Lord, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Andrew Pullinger, Freeland, Witney
- Anita Matthews, Freeland, Witney
- Anne Clifton, Stonesfield, Witney
- Anthony Boardman, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Anthony Oliver, Stonesfield, Witney
- Antony Dance, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Anysha Jaiswal, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Barrie Welford, Freeland, Witney
- Benjamin Windsor, Combe, Witney
- Brian Webb, Eynsham, Witney
- Bronwen Jenner, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Callum Mobey, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Cameron Weatherhead, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Carol Strode, Witney
- Caroline Reeve, North Leigh, Witney
- Caroline Welles, North Leigh, Witney
- Chanelle Price, Barnard Gate, Witney
- Charlotte Holden, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Charlotte Orton, Stonesfield, Witney
- Charlotte Pollard, Stonesfield, Witney
- Chloe Bird, Freeland, Witney
- Christine Cherry, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Christine Hutchinson, North Leigh, Witney
- Christopher Carr, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Christopher Loder, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Claire Cross, Sutton, Witney
- Clare-Marie Grigg, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Clive Jackson, Eynsham, Witney
- Craig Keylock, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Damien Townsend, North Leigh, Witney
- Daniel Hays, Freeland, Witney
- Daniel Ray, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Daniel Sollis, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Darrell Moss, Freeland, Witney
- David Gee, North Leigh, Witney
- David Hardy, Long Hanborough, Witney
- David Judd, Long Hanborough, Witney
- David Lansley, Long Hanborough, Witney
- David Leach, Long Hanborough, Witney
- David Marsden, North Leigh, Witney
- David Porter, Stonesfield, Witney
- Deli Skenda, Barnard Gate, Witney
- Denise Lazenby, Ducklington, Witney
- Derek Hobbs, Stonesfield, Witney
- Doreen Pritchett, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Doreen Smithest, Freeland, Witney
- Douglas Hague, Church Hanborough, Witney
- Edith Briggs, Freeland, Witney
- Edna Harris, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Edward Hemsworth, Freeland, Witney
- Eileen Edwards, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Eileen Pilbeam, Stonesfield, Witney
- Elinor Garnett, Combe, Witney
- Elizabeth Adams, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Ella Durrant, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Ellen Smith, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Ellis Godin, Stonesfield, Witney
- Elsie Timms, Ducklington, Witney
- Emma Sinden, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Emma Surman, Freeland, Witney
- Esther Stirling, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Frances Brown, Freeland, Witney
- Frances Hancox, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Frances Hook, Ducklington, Witney
- Frederick Coker, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Gai Coleman, Northmoor, Witney
- Gary Hart, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Gemma Rowland, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Gene Fletcher, Northmoor, Witney
- Geoffrey Cropper, East End North Leigh, Witney
- George Wilson, Long Hanborough, Witney
- German Dasouza, Freeland, Witney
- Giray Ketenci, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Harrison Collins, Stonesfield, Witney
- Harry Oliver, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Helen Banfield, Standlake, Witney
- Helen Burton, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Helen Davies, Freeland, Witney
- Helen Hacking, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Helen Hastings, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Helen Wills, North Leigh, Witney
- Holly Cox, Ducklington, Witney
- Ian Snow, East End North Leigh, Witney
- Ian Stimpson, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Ivete Sousa, North Leigh, Witney
- Jack Howlett, Freeland, Witney
- Jacob Oliver, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Jacqueline Harris, Eynsham, Witney
- Jacqueline Lyel, Stonesfield, Witney
- James Diserens, Freeland, Witney
- James Franklin, Stonesfield, Witney
- James Joyner, Long Hanborough, Witney
- James Roby, Freeland, Witney
- Jamie Adey, East End North Leigh, Witney
- Janet Himpson, Northmoor, Witney
- Janet Paine, Freeland, Witney
- Janice Sparks, Eynsham, Witney
- Jaqueline Mileman, North Leigh, Witney
- Jason Theodorou, Stonesfield, Witney
- Jay Mott, Freeland, Witney
- Jean Evans, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Jean Morrison, Freeland, Witney
- Jeffrey Wood, Freeland, Witney
- Jennifer Soave, North Leigh, Witney
- Jessica Burge, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Jessica O'Brien, Stonesfield, Witney
- Jilbruke Collins, Stonesfield, Witney
- Joan Darlow, Freeland, Witney
- Joan O'Neill, Stonesfield, Witney
- John Bunting, Freeland, Witney
- John Chesman, Freeland, Witney
- John Jennings, Freeland, Witney
- John Thomason, Freeland, Witney
- Jonas Van Hellemont, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Jonathan Ferrier, Eynsham, Witney
- Jonathan Parker, New Yatt, Witney
- Jonathan Roberts, Stonesfield, Witney
- Jordan Olive, Stonesfield, Witney
- Josephine Denbow, Freeland, Witney
- Joyce Bartlett, North Leigh, Witney
- Joyce Kearsey, Freeland, Witney
- Joyce Williams, Freeland, Witney
- Judith Barefield, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Kam Balfour, Combe, Witney
- Kate Johnson, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Katharine Winder, Northmoor, Witney
- Kathleen Fowler, Stonesfield, Witney
- Katrina Radburn, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Kay Harvey, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Keith Pickett, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Kenneth Maddison, North Leigh, Witney
- Kevin Romao, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Kevin Young, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Kim Miles, Eynsham, Witney
- Kirstin Blackman, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Laura Al-Azzawe, Stonesfield, Witney
- Lauren Atkins, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Lauren Brodie, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Lee Harvey, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Lee Hunter, Stonesfield, Witney
- Leon Hackworthy, North Leigh, Witney
- Leon Lewis, North Leigh, Witney
- Leslie Barefield, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Lewis Upton, Stonesfield, Witney
- Liam Kenneally, Eynsham, Witney
- Louisa Tuckey, Stonesfield, Witney
- Louise Bradley, Stonesfield, Witney
- Lucy Austin, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Malcolm Jenkins, North Leigh, Witney
- Margaret Enoch, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Marian Howard, Freeland, Witney
- Marion Taylor, Freeland, Witney
- Mary Evins, Stonesfield, Witney
- Matthew Longford, Freeland, Witney
- Mia Phillips, Witney
- Michael Aldridge, Stonesfield, Witney
- Michael Baker, Freeland, Witney
- Michael Howard, Eynsham, Witney
- Narelle Ives, Ducklington, Witney
- Natalie Willis, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Neil Bowler, Freeland, Witney
- Nicholas Bourke, Northmoor, Witney
- Nicholas Mason, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Nicholas Parry, Ducklington, Witney
- Nicola Page, North Leigh, Witney
- Nicole Whitefield, Stonesfield, Witney
- Nina Williams, Freeland, Witney
- Noah Moss, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Oliver Moffat, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Ormond Petersen, Stonesfield, Witney
- Owen Caine, Combe, Witney
- Patricia Brain, Northmoor, Witney
- Patricia Pearce, Stonesfield, Witney
- Patrick Adair, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Patrick Stimpson, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Paul Cherry, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Paul Margrie, Combe, Witney
- Peggy Nelson, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Peter Ball, Freeland, Witney
- Peter Gardner, Combe, Witney
- Peter Hacking, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Philip Hastings, North Leigh, Witney
- Philip Olesen, Stonesfield, Witney
- Philip Panting, Freeland, Witney
- Phyllis Owen, Freeland, Witney
- Rachel Harrold, Eynsham, Witney
- Rachel Menzel, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Rachel Normanton, Stonesfield, Witney
- Railton Elliott, Combe, Witney
- Ravi Kella, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Rebecca Newman, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Reginald Paine, Freeland, Witney
- Relphy Relph, Eynsham, Witney
- Remy Di Souza, Freeland, Witney
- Richard Blakey-Creighton, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Richard Broome, Minster Lovell, Witney
- Richard Busby, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Richard Maree, New Yatt, Witney
- Rita Osborne, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Robert Jeffrey, Barnard Gate, Witney
- Robert Long, Stonesfield, Witney
- Robert Millington, Freeland, Witney
- Roger Hall, Freeland, Witney
- Rohuald Binet, Stonesfield, Witney
- Ronald Carter, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Rose Skidmore, Combe, Witney
- Rosie Dillon, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Rozina Jennings, Freeland, Witney
- Saffy Gujral, East End North Leigh, Witney
- Samantha Band, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Samantha Davies, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Sammy Kelland, Stanton Harcourt, Witney
- Samuel Aust, North Leigh, Witney
- Sandra Stimpson, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Sapan Gandhi, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Sarah Pitmam, Eynsham, Witney
- Sheila Hall, Stonesfield, Witney
- Sheila Lamb, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Sheila Maclean, Stonesfield, Witney
- Simon Dix, Minster Lovell, Witney
- Simon Fieldwick, Combe, Witney
- Simon Gale, Combe, Witney
- Sophia Gardner, Combe, Witney
- Sophia Ross, Cassington, Witney
- Sophie Wilson, Ducklington, Witney
- Stephen Lockwood, Stonesfield, Witney
- Susan Cole, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Thomas Hall, Freeland, Witney
- Thomas Hook, Ducklington, Witney
- Thomas Murton, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Thomas Roberts, Combe, Witney
- Thomas Sandalls, Ducklington, Witney
- Thomas Waldron, Standlake, Witney
- Tim Bernard, Stonesfield, Witney
- Toby Sinclair, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Tom Macburnie, Long Hanborough, Witney
- Trevor Joyce, Freeland, Witney
- Valerie Thompson, Eynsham, Witney
- Verity Stuart-Thompson, Freeland, Witney
- Warren Sheehan, Northmoor, Witney
- Wayne Ahmet, Eynsham, Witney
- William Spencer, Stonesfield, Witney
- Yasmin Dhesi, Eynsham, Witney
- Zoe Preston, Long Hanborough, Witney
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