Find People in Ferndale, Rhondda Cynon Taff, CF43
The results of this postcode outer search lists all people in the Ferndale, Rhondda Cynon Taff, CF43 area. Read More
Our records are sourced from the UK telephone directory and other data sources.
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- Abbi-Gail Williams, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Alan Davies, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Alan Lewis, Ferndale
- Alex Bevan, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Alison Horler, Ferndale
- Alison Tavener, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Alun Clement, Ferndale
- Alyn None, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Amanda Poole, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Amy Griffiths, Ferndale
- Amy Guy, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Amy Kelland, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Andrew Collins, Ferndale
- Andrew Johns, Ferndale
- Andrew Reed, Ferndale
- Angela Adams, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Ann Roberts-Morgan, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Anna Gazzi, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Anne Lloyd, Ferndale
- Annette Villis, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Anthony Kozuh, Ferndale
- Anthony Peever, Ferndale
- Anthony Romaniuk, Ferndale
- Ashleigh Nicholls, Ferndale
- Ashleigh Pope, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Ashley Marshall, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Ashley Murphy, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Audrey Anstee, Ferndale
- Audrey Jenkins, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Barbara Neal, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Barry Chapman, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Ben Williams, Ferndale
- Beryl Podmore, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Bethan Collins, Ferndale
- Beverley Evans, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Billie Roberts, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Bobby Mat, Ferndale
- Brittany Fleur Baker, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Byron Jones, Ferndale
- Calvin Jones, Ferndale
- Carl Casey, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Carla Collins, Ferndale
- Carly Broad, Ferndale
- Carly Cole, Ferndale
- Carly Hughes, Ferndale
- Carol Daley, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Caryl Buckland, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Chelsea Westcott, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Christine Hughes, Ferndale
- Christine Owen, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Christopher Middleton, Ferndale
- Christopher Pike, Ferndale
- Chritstine Poole, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Claire Davies, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Claire Moore, Penrhys, Ferndale
- Clarissa Lewis, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Clayton Griffiths, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Clive Egan, Ferndale
- Colin Hughes, Ferndale
- Colin Podmore, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Connor Deere, Ferndale
- Connor James Burton, Ferndale
- Corben Evans, Ferndale
- Craig Phillips, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Daniel McDodoye-Alali, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Daniel Privett, Ferndale
- David Beazley, Ferndale
- David Lloyd, Ferndale
- David Reed, Maerdy, Ferndale
- David Richards, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Debbie Tobin, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Deborah Wilkes, Ferndale
- Delyth Sole, Ferndale
- Denise Inkpen, Ferndale
- Dennis Kenealy, Ferndale
- Dennis Mullins, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Dilwyn Hughes, Ferndale
- Donna Lewis, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Douglas Llewellyn, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Edward Williams, Ferndale
- Edwin Denton, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Elizabeth McHugh, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Ellen Shanahan, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Emma Williams, Ferndale
- Emma-Jane Noble, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Erica Francois, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Esta Morgan, Ferndale
- Ethan Morris, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Eunice Jones, Ferndale
- Evan Baker, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Freda James, Ferndale
- Gareth Millard, Ferndale
- Garry Rogers, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Gary Broad, Ferndale
- Gaynor Andrew, Ferndale
- Gemma Reakes, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- George Hughes, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Georgina Evans, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Georgina Harries, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Geraint Clement, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Gerald Gill, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Gillian Chambers, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Glanville Jenkins, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Glyndwr Foster, Ferndale
- Greg Rushby, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Gwendoline Williams, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Gwylym Jones, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Gwyneth Street, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Hannah Morris, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Hannah Richardson-Jones, Ferndale
- Hazel Roberts, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Helen Commins, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Helena Owens, Ferndale
- Huw Roberts-Morgan, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Irene Lloyd, Penrhys, Ferndale
- Iryl Llewellyn, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Islwyn Davies, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Jack Dando, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Jack Owen, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Jah Dunjha, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Jak Hobbs, Maerdy, Ferndale
- James Coombs, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- James Waite, Ferndale
- Janet Gill, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Janet Jones, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Jasmine Evans, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Jason Rosser, Ferndale
- Jayne Bents, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Jeff Lloyd, Ferndale
- Jessica Nicholls, Ferndale
- Jessica Richards, Ferndale
- Jillian Prewett, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Joan Agg, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Jodie Gibson, Ferndale
- Joe Isaac, Ferndale
- Joel Dancey, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Jonathan Jones, Ferndale
- Josef Tutton, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Josie Read, Ferndale
- Joy Cooper, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Judith Summers, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Julia Richards, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Julie Crotty, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Julie Rees, Ferndale
- Julie Richards, Ferndale
- Karin Hall, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Kathryn Gallagher, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Katrina Ann Lee, Ferndale
- Kay Raae, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Kaye Peever, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Kayleigh O'Flaherty, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Keira James, Ferndale
- Keith Vaughan, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Keith Werrett, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Kelly Winder, Ferndale
- Kenneth Aspley, Ferndale
- Kenneth Lowe, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Kevin Davies, Ferndale
- Kevin Thomas, Ferndale
- Kevin Wiltshire, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Kimi Lewiw, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Kirsty Bethell, Ferndale
- Kristie Roberts, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Kristy Jones, Ferndale
- Lauran Jones, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Lawrence Satherley, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Leah Marie Olds, Ferndale
- Leanne Griffiths, Penrhys, Ferndale
- Leanne Nash, Ferndale
- Lee Frost, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Lee Woodmass, Ferndale
- Leigh Wiltshire, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Leighton Richards, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Leslie Parcel, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Liam Earland, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Lisa Isaac, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Lisa Pugh, Ferndale
- Logan Jones, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Long Cubt, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Louise Evans, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Ludmila Chrysostomou, Ferndale
- Luke Williams, Ferndale
- Lynda Jones, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Lynda Phillips, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Lyndon Pike, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Lynette Edgell, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Lynsey Pumford, Ferndale
- Malcolm Daniel, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Malcolm Fine, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Malcolm Rowlands, Ferndale
- Mansel Isaac, Ferndale
- Marcus Wigley, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Margaret Caswell, Ferndale
- Margaret Hart, Ferndale
- Margaret Jones, Ferndale
- Maria Smith, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Mario Peica, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Mark Light, Ferndale
- Mark Wetton, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Martina Howells, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Martine Thomas, Ferndale
- Mary John, Ferndale
- Mary Jones, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Maurice Holland, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Meyrick Davies, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Michele McCarthy, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Michelle Hayes, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Morgan Lewis, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Natalie L'homme, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Natasha Davies, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Nathan Lewis, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Nathan Orviss, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Navpreet Singh, Ferndale
- Neville Davies, Ferndale
- Nhing Iff, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Nia James, Ferndale
- Nicholas Alderton, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Nicholas Faulkner, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Nicola Rosser, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Nicola Rundle, Ferndale
- Nigel Caddick, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Nigel Rees, Ferndale
- Noreen Evans, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Norma Chaffe, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Norma Williams, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Norman Harvey, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Olive Jones, Stanleytown, Ferndale
- Orrie Milward, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Pamela Richards, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Patricia Edwards, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Patricia Hogben, Ferndale
- Patricia Llewellyn, Ferndale
- Patricia Lock, Ferndale
- Patricia Wiltshire, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Patrick Rees, Ferndale
- Paul James, Ferndale
- Philip England, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Philip Howe, Ferndale
- Phillip Davies, Ferndale
- Phillip McNamara, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Phillip Pitman, Ferndale
- Polina Rjaboslika, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Promit Anwar, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Rabib Ahmed, Ferndale
- Raymond Harris, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Raymond Hayes, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Raymond Morris, Ferndale
- Raymond Price, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Rebecca Hill, Ferndale
- Rebecca Lewis, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Rhian Curtis-Evans, Ferndale
- Rhianon Jones, Ferndale
- Rhianon Williams, Ferndale
- Rhys Chard, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Rhys Goodwin, Stanleytown, Ferndale
- Rhys Hughes, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Rhys Seaborne, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Richard Stephenson, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Rikki White, Ferndale
- Robert Jenkins, Ferndale
- Robert Thorn, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Royson Gill, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Royston Lanies, Ferndale
- Ryan Webley-Parry, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Samantha Cope, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Samantha Roberts, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Sandra Harrison, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Sarah Edwards, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Scott Hughes, Ferndale
- Serah Harris, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Shadie Jakeways, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Sharon Hurton, Ferndale
- Sharon Jonathan, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Shaun Herbert, Ferndale
- Shaun Sandilands, Stanleytown, Ferndale
- Shaun Simmons, Ferndale
- Sheila Hunt, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Shirley Robbins, Ferndale
- Sian Watkins, Ferndale
- Simon Bristow, Ferndale
- Simon Broad, Ferndale
- Simon Davies, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Sonia Lye, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Stacey Taylor, Penrhys, Ferndale
- Stephanie Swannack, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Stephen Holderness, Ferndale
- Stephen Israel, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Stephen Swain, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Stephen Thomas, Ferndale
- Steve Davis, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Stuart Andrew, Ferndale
- Susan Sheppard, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Suzanne Jones, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Suzanne King, Penrhys, Ferndale
- Sylvia Elizabeth Roberts, Ferndale
- Tasha Jenkins, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Teifion Davies, Ferndale
- Tennifer Walters, Ferndale
- Terence Osborne, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Teresa Raben, Ferndale
- Teresa Williams, Tylorstown, Ferndale
- Terrence Serpell, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Thomas Hughes, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Thomas Kenealy, Ferndale
- Thomas Mullins, Ferndale
- Thomas Owen, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Tim Frere-Smith, Pontygwaith, Ferndale
- Tracey Davies, Maerdy, Ferndale
- Tracy Quick, Ferndale
- Valmai Evans, Ferndale
- Vera Howells, Ferndale
- Wendy Shakeshaft, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Wendy Staple, Ferndale
- William Henson, Ferndale
- William Maddox, Blaenllechau, Ferndale
- Xingjian Chen, Ferndale
- Ying So, Ferndale
- Zachariah Thomas, Maerdy, Ferndale

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