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BT Online Telephone Directory Scrapped
BT has recently dropped its online directory enquiries service. What are the alternatives?
Where is the most romantic place in the UK? The place with the most ‘Love’
We’ve used our People Search function to find all those named ‘Love’ in the UK - and in which area of the country they live.
Top 10 Vegan Restaurants in the UK
We've analysed ukphonebook data to find the best vegan restaurants in the UK.
Most popular destination for London leavers
We've analysed our location data to find out where these London leavers are heading to.
Most expensive high street homes in the UK
We analysed millions of data points and found the most expensive and cheapest High Streets in the UK.
What is the most popular pub name in the UK
We’ve analysed the data to find the most popular new pub names in the UK since 2020. Here’s what we’ve found…
Town with the most charity shops in the UK has found which towns and regions in the UK have the most charity shops.
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