Find Details For UK People With Surname: TRAVIS
This is a summary of all people with the surname TRAVIS across the UK. Click on a name to find all people with that full name or use the search function to search for a person by location.Read More
Our records are sourced from the UK telephone directory and other data sources.
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Forenames beginning with:
- Susana Travis (3)
- Susanna Travis (2)
- Susanne Travis (1)
- Suzan Travis (1)
- Suzanne Travis (4)
- Suzy Travis (1)
- Sybil Travis (1)
- Sydney Travis (2)
- Sylvia Travis (4)
- Tabitha Travis (1)
- Tace Travis (1)
- Tallulah Travis (1)
- Tania Travis (1)
- Tara Travis (3)
- Tate Travis (1)
- Teagan Travis (1)
- Teghun Travis (1)
- Telisha Travis (1)
- Terence Travis (7)
- Teresa Travis (2)
- Teresita Travis (1)
- Terrance Travis (3)
- Terrence Travis (1)
- Terry Travis (4)
- Thelma Travis (1)
- Theodore Travis (2)
- Theresa Travis (4)
- Therese Travis (2)
- Thereza Travis (3)
- Thomas Travis (37)
- Thos Travis (1)
- Tia Travis (1)
- Timothy Travis (7)
- Tina Travis (8)
- Toby Travis (2)
- Tom Travis (5)
- Tommy Travis (1)
- Toms Travis (1)
- Toni Travis (2)
- Tony Travis (1)
- TR Travis (1)
- Tracey Travis (13)
- Tracy Travis (4)
- Travisbecky Travis (1)
- Travisndrea Travis (1)
- Tray Travis (1)
- Trevor Travis (4)
- Trey Jones Travis (1)
- Tristan Travis (2)
- Trudie Travis (1)
- Trudy Travis (1)
- Tyler Travis (4)
- Tyron Travis (3)
- Tyrone Travis (1)
- Val Travis (1)
- Valerie Travis (7)
- Vanessa Travis (2)
- Vera Travis (6)
- Vicki Travis (1)
- Vicky Travis (5)
- Victoria Travis (16)
- Vikki Travis (1)
- Violet Travis (1)
- Vivien Travis (2)
- Vivienne Travis (2)
- Warren Travis (2)
- Wayne Travis (12)
- Wendy Travis (13)
- Wesley Travis (1)
- Whitney Travis (1)
- Wilfred Travis (1)
- Will Travis (1)
- William Travis (34)
- William Robert Travis (1)
- Williams Travis (1)
- Winifred Travis (1)
- Winsome Travis (1)
- Yasmin Travis (1)
- Yvonne Travis (5)
- Zak Travis (1)
- Zara Travis (1)
- Zoe Travis (5)
Other Person Searching Tools
As well as an A-Z directory we also offer the following search tools to find people:
- Find A Person - search all data sources by name and address with our most powerful search tool.
- Electoral Roll Search - a dedicated search that only accesses data from the UK edited electoral roll.
- Telephone Directory - search the telephone directory with 5 free daily searches.
- Find Company Directors Details - search Companies House for director appointments.